UFC Gym Mililani Open House Event with HFG this Saturday 9am to 1pm...

UFC Gym Mililani Open House Event with HFG this Saturday 9am to 1pm...


UFC Gym Mililani along with Hawaiian Fight Gear and other small businesses celebrating three year Anniversary by having a open house event with small vendor booths, test a coach program, membership specials, product deals etc 

We closing out February hosting #SmallBusinessSaturday here at #ufcgymmililani ⁣

Along with our #TestDriveACoach we will have local small businesses for you to come and check out! ⁣

We will have incredible specials and we will be OPEN TO THE PUBLIC! ⁣

#ufcgym #ufcgymleaderled #whatsyourfight #traindifferent #fun #family #community #health #wellness #fitness #bjj #mma #groupfitness #functionalfitness #personaltraining #oneonone

#hfgfightgear #equipment #apparel #gear #shinguards #gloves #headgear #mitts #thaipads #HFG #andmore


See everyone there Hawaii!