Introducing the New "Ilimanator Signature Model" Boxing Gloves
"This project is one of the highlights of HFG in all the years of service"
Introducing the Ilima MacFarlane~Bellator MMA World Champion "Ilimanator Signature Model" Cowhide Leather Boxing Gloves…
First of all, working to put this special project together with Ilima has been simply amazing and so fun! With all that being said: “100% of all proceeds generated going straight to her Ilimanator Scholarship Fund”
Please kokua and support
Mahalo Nui Loa for supporting Ilima and HFG in regards to her Ilimanator Scholarship Fund.
Aloha Nui Loa!
#nativelikewater #ilimanatorscholarship #signatureboxingglove #ilimanatorsignaturemodel #cowhideleather #10oz. #12oz. #helpingindigenousfemalesofamerica #100% #proceedsdonated #ilimamacfarlane #bellatormmachampion @ilimanator @nativelikewater @hawaiianfightgear #hawaiianfightgear